Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Song from the Past - La Voz de Los 80

Today I go write about La voz de los 80 by Los Prisioneros.
This song is of the album with the same name La voz de los 80 and was launched in December, 1984 in cassette.
So I don´t remember when was the first time that I heard La voz de los 80, but I remember that song in the album Grandes exitos of Los Prisioneros, my father did buy this album in CD format and today sometime reproduce. The CD of Grandes Exitos was launched originally in 1991, but in 1997 Emi launched the CD that I remember and contains excellent song (Tren al sur, muevan las industrias, la voz de los 80, ¿por que no se van? and we are sudamerican rockers).
This Song remember me a part of the history of Chile, the eighties, but the video of La voz de los 80 show me how was the Santiago city, the streets, the cars, the building, the wearing form of the people, in this years. I think that is interesting know about the past of the city in I’m living, this is the reason, also I watch the series Los 80 by canal 13.
I still like La voz de los 80, because this song contains many topics about the eighties, also I did make dream that I live in the eighties, so I can to understand the song.
So I expected this song like yours, is not very old song, have 30 years approximately.

Greeting Bye


  1. I don't like very much Los Prisioneros, but this song is good, is a classic in the chilean music.

  2. This is the best band, best of the best

  3. I like Los Prisioneros and the song is very good.
