Hello Everybody
Now! I writing my last blog and I don’t want cry hahaha, so I don’t know that more write…
I enjoyed writing sometime, because I think that some topic are little boring, but I like the topics, for example about the Christmas or my favorite beach. Also the blog is the best way to express anything, a life story, the hobbies or whatever that you write. And write in English, I think that the blog experience was great, because I know more tips about the classmate.
A things that I dislike, so I find that blog experience it’s not boring, when I write about that I like for example music, but if I write about my personal stuff…. I hate this topic, I don`t like write about my personal life or personal life that other friends.
I enjoyed reading the all classmate blogs, Nope! I just saw my friend’s blogs (Isabel, Daniela, Diego, Perdo, Gricel, Felipe) and when I did read yours blog make me happy, because I learn more about them.
Finally write in a blog was a best way to learn and practice English, because write and talk are very important for me, also more important is practice for myself, write and talk in class is a part of learn English, practice in home is better when I watch a movie, or listen music in English and I write whit my followers in a blog site called Tumblr, because the English is the universal language.
So finally I’d say thank for all, first the teacher Simon, thank teacher for teach me the keys of the English, for me the best class was heard the lyrics of the music. Second I want to give thank to my friends classmate, for the all conversation about different topic and finally the rest of the classes thank all!
So God bless our teacher and the Queen!